Category: Machine Learning

  • How to integrate Python with Tableau to Improve your Graphs

    How to integrate  Python  with Tableau to   Improve your Graphs

    Python integration with Tableau is one of the options that you have to improve your products and visualizations.   This tutorial  will  show you how to integrate python into Tableau  and how to  create your own virtual environment so that you can use  a  specific python version  and  compatible libraries. Tabpy  Installation with a Virtual Environment […]

  • Data Scientist:3 Signs to Know whether you Need to Install a SQL or NoSQL Database

    Data Scientist:3 Signs to Know whether you Need to Install a SQL or NoSQL Database

    SQL databases are popular among developers because there is a huge amount of information, infrastructure technology to implement sophisticated databases of this type. Computational effort has been improved so that data modelers or data scientists are able to manage large amount of data that uses SQL databases. Nevertheless, there is a point in which it […]

  • Data Scientist:Youtube Audio Transcribing Implementation

    Data Scientist:Youtube Audio Transcribing Implementation

    The sections that you can visit to learn about how Mandy – the Intelligent Companion works are mentioned in the order in which the application works. These actions start after receiving a question or comment from the user: What is Mandy – the Intelligent Companion? Technology Implementation PubChem API Implementation Youtube Audio Transcription Implementation […]

  • Data Scientist: PubChem API Implementation

    Data Scientist: PubChem API Implementation

    The sections that you can visit to learn about how Mandy – the Intelligent Companion works are mentioned in the order in which the application works. These actions start after receiving a question or comment from the user: What is Mandy – the Intelligent Companion? Technology Implementation PubChem API Implementation Youtube Audio Transcription Implementation […]

  • Data Technology Implementation

    Data Technology Implementation

    If this is the first article you read, we recommend that you first review the introduction of details about what Mandy is and What is technology. This will allow you to supplement the PubChem programming code to use the Mandy program – the Smart Companion. On the other hand, if you are just trying […]

  • Data Scientist: Mandy – The Intelligent Companion

    Data Scientist: Mandy – The Intelligent Companion

    Introduction – The Intelligent Companion Chemistry is everywhere and companies transform raw materials into final products by understanding the chemistry and physical properties of those raw materials. Final products are sold at the stores and those contain chemistry that can work for us or against us. Thus, It is remarkable to understand about the ingredients […]

  • Data scientist: Types of Data Distribution – Data Distribution Fundamentals

    Data scientist: Types of Data Distribution – Data Distribution Fundamentals

    How could data be distributed? Data could be distributed in different ways so that it is important to understand how data is distribute in order to infer about the whole population we are interested in. The main types of data distribution are: Binomial distribution (Discrete) Bernoulli distribution (Discrete) Normal/Gaussian distribution (Continuous) Poisson distribution (Discrete) Power […]

  • Data Scientist: Big Data Fundamentals – What is Big Data? and Hadoop Fundamentals

    Data Scientist: Big Data Fundamentals – What is Big Data? and Hadoop Fundamentals

    Essentially, your will know how big data is processed, what big data is and how large volume of data is managed by using Hadoop. There are other big data tools and frameworks that you can use so that we suggest you to look for those in order to compare what is the way to manage your data.

  • Data Scientist: 4 Python Paradigms

    Data Scientist: 4 Python Paradigms

    In this article you will learn about the four different programming paradigms that you can implement in python. Those paradigms are the imperative, procedural, functional and object-oriented paradigms. It is important to recognize that when we are talking about paradigms we are identifying the programming styles that can be implemented in python. This means that […]

  • Data Scientist:Advantage and Disadvantage of the Naive-Bayes Method

    Data Scientist:Advantage and Disadvantage of the Naive-Bayes Method

    Naive Bayes Model is a widely used method to get data classified. It is useful because it allows to do multivariate analysis and obtain an estimated probability. In fact, the algorithm is based on the Bayes theorem of conditional probability that considers that the probability that an event occurs given the fact that another event […]