Tag: Data scientist

  • Data Scientist: 3 Easy ways to Learn Apache Spark and How it works

    Data Scientist: 3 Easy ways to Learn Apache Spark and How it works

    Apache Spark is one of the tools that you will have to learn whether you want to start implementing something with Big Data. Apache spark is also a very useful tool for other more sophisticated Big Data tools because it is integrated into other big data tools. For example you can choose Apache spark with […]

  • Data Scientist:Youtube Audio Transcribing Implementation

    Data Scientist:Youtube Audio Transcribing Implementation

    The sections that you can visit to learn about how Mandy – the Intelligent Companion works are mentioned in the order in which the application works. These actions start after receiving a question or comment from the user: What is Mandy – the Intelligent Companion? Wit.ai Technology Implementation PubChem API Implementation Youtube Audio Transcription Implementation […]

  • Data Scientist:Wit.ai Technology Implementation

    Data Scientist:Wit.ai Technology Implementation

    If this is the first article you read, we recommend that you first review the introduction of details about what Mandy is and What is Wit.ai technology. This will allow you to supplement the PubChem programming code to use the Mandy program – the Smart Companion. On the other hand, if you are just trying […]

  • Data Scientist: Mandy – The Intelligent Companion

    Data Scientist: Mandy – The Intelligent Companion

    Introduction – The Intelligent Companion Chemistry is everywhere and companies transform raw materials into final products by understanding the chemistry and physical properties of those raw materials. Final products are sold at the stores and those contain chemistry that can work for us or against us. Thus, It is remarkable to understand about the ingredients […]

  • Data Scientist: 4 Python Paradigms

    Data Scientist: 4 Python Paradigms

    In this article you will learn about the four different programming paradigms that you can implement in python. Those paradigms are the imperative, procedural, functional and object-oriented paradigms. It is important to recognize that when we are talking about paradigms we are identifying the programming styles that can be implemented in python. This means that […]