How to Create and use Parameters to Make your Visualization Dynamic

How to Create and use Parameters to Make your Visualization Dynamic

Parameters is a functionality and a tool that you will be able to combine with other functions in Tableau. Filters and calculation fields are
two tools that you will be able to use to integrate with parameters so that your visualization displays new information or existing one dynamically. this is possible because parameters are focused only showing your graphs and visualization in different scenarios with new data your workbook. on the other hand, if you try to relate this information with what the filters do, you will find that filters are used only in worksheets. This is one of the key differences between filters and parameters.

Here we will show you how to use parameters in the following two ways:

  • Using filters
  • Using calculated fields

How to Use Filters with Parameters

Let’s suppose you have a graph such as the one that is shown below so that we we are going to press a right click on the filters pane and select edit. we’re going to click on the top tab and this busy fly the number of top options that will be filter it into a graph. we’re going to select a 3 sub classifications for this graph.

Finally, we’re going to execute the settings . the main purpose of these filter is to show the top three classification that got the largest number of shipment delays.

How to Create and Use Parameters with the Calculated Fields

Parameters require to be linked with a calculated field in order for you to visualize data dynamically. calculation fields are used to integrate good parameter with any other the variable that you have created so that you showed your data in different scenarios with new data. the advantage of using the same integration is that you can choose the existing data and relate it dynamically.

First you have to create your parameters by pressing right click on the left pane and select create parameter. then you will specify the parameter’s name, the data type and default value or you can also select a field from your existing data so that you select a list or range updated front that field. how much below shows you how the things are established when creating a parameter.

As you can see, parameters are easily created in Tableau to make your visualization dynamic and this is an excellent way to explore your data in new scenarios across your workbook. stories and dashboards will look more professional and dynamic when using parameters in different worksheets and dashboards in your presentation.

We hope you have found this article useful enough to start creating your own parameters in tableau.